Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mrs. J

we used to be best friends...once.
she hurt me...multiple times.
i tried to reconnect...i received one word answers.
she tries to come crawling
her mom went as far as to talk to my mom about it. i honestly can't believe her nerve.
"i know _____ (me) is old enough to choose her own friends, but i really thought they would include _____ (old best friend)"
it didn't make me very happy.
i haven't been avoiding her fervent pleads to hang out. i've been busy. and i'm usually not making it up.
she tries things last minute. that used to be my thing, but now i plan day of rather than hour of.
she can't just expect me to leap into her arms? or can she?
this ex-best-friend is a huge XC star. she's sick. has to be.
she runs so much she needs to eat like an Olympian. and yet, she eats nearly nothing. we're talking about 14 mile routes. on her medium days. always clearing at least a marathon in a week. easily.
she puts so much energy into her running that she doesn't have energy for anything else. like conversation. or reactions.
i tried.
after she started asking me to hang out.
i had her over.
she asked a question that could spur a conversation. being rather well-rounded, i have pretty great social skills, so i took the morsling and ran with it. i tried my hardest. added in the cheesy head nods and "i know"s tagged with my own stories. but that's all i heard that own stories. and of course her fingers as she played words with friends and texted the guy she was talking to.
i told my boyfriend, who i would have chosen to talk to any day over you, bye because i wanted to try this conversation out.
i don't like how this relationship (ex-best) is working out...and i guess yesterday fueled the fire...
blah. people. girls. life.